About Danidre


I'm Carlonn Rivers, but my online alias is Danidre, or Dani, which comes from my middle names Andre and Daniel.


Full Stack Web Developer. Author. Game Programmer. Software Engineer. Student.


Highschool graduate with subjects including Accounting, Entrepreneurship, Mathematics, and Information Technology. University Student pursuing a BSc of Computer Science.


I'm a 21-year-old Trinidadian.

Programming History:

I know HTML/CSS/Javascript, NodeJS, and am very beginner with Java/C++. I once made games in Adobe Flash. My main language was ActionScript 2. I've been programming for over 8 years now!

Current Stack:
  • HTML
  • JavaScript
  • CSS
  • NodeJS (Express)
  • MongoDB (Mongoose)
  • Postgresql (Knex)
Game Development:
Additional Skills:
  • Frameworks: ReactJS (Basic), Tailwind (Basic)
  • Version Control: Git (Basic)
  • DevOps: Digital Ocean, Caprover

Re-designed my old website.