Plans For 2020

Happy New Year image

2019 has come and gone, and many sudden changes occurred:

  • Graduated from high school
  • Learnt and created my new website
  • Participated in my first Ludum Dare Jam in years!
  • Successfully moved away from ActionScript2.0 (Flash) to Javascript.
  • Resolutions and Plans image

    More development on BtBIO

    I took November to learn about multiplayer, and worked on this project. A multiplayer version of my Ludum Dare game, using SocketIO and NodeJS to work on browsers. I plan to continue working on this game until I've carried everything in the singleplayer game across.

    Development and collaborations on other projects

    I'm interesting in participating in more game jams, as well as getting more experience in collaborating with other developers on other games.

    Additionally, I plan to learn React and create more applications or websites, as well as continue building/adding features to this website (user accounts, comments, user messaging, etc).

    Job employment

    Since I've recently graduated, I need to get working experience. Ideally, I'd like to be employed at a tech company that also works on games or websites; but for now, anything that could give experience.


    I'm no artist, but I do find joy in doodling here and there.

    eye image

    I do hope I can work on these more and possibly add a doodles section to this website as well!

    Final 2020 Plans Image

    Moving forward into 2020, there're lots of things I'm excited to do; some with higher priorities.

    Game-making would be the most challenging change, as I hope I can try a new genre (so far, it's always been collision-based games). I'm not sure what new games I want to make yet, but the idea of non-collision remains. And...maybe earn a few bucks in the making? 😂

    Follow me on Twitter @danidre or join my Discord Server to keep up to date with any changes. But until next time...

    Stay tuned

    2147 views | Jan 1, 2020, 3:28 PM